US Military – Pummeling the World, July 4th 2017

 ________________________ [This is an Introduction to my article nearing completion on Trump’s Political ‘Base” and the US Corporate Warrior Elite ]   On July 4th weekend, 2017, the US media was abuzz over yet another controversial tweet by President Donald Trump. It was a doctored-up video showing Trump pummeling a downed journalist on his back. The […]

Princeton Seminary Faculty Members on Trump Presidency

by Mark Lewis Taylor The Statement below on the Trump Presidency, signed by 33 of 40 some current faculty at Princeton Seminary, was also signed by 12 Emeriti Scholars and 5 Adjunct-Faculty. It appears today at the Seminary’s official website. None of us signers, writing on our own, would write the statement as it appears […]


Interview by John Shuck with Mark Lewis Taylor Based on an online interview, “Progressive Spirit & Beloved Community: Election 2016” Photo at right by James Karales (1930–2002), Selma-to-Montgomery March for Voting Rights in 1965, 1965. Photographic print. Located in the James Karales Collection, Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library, Duke University. Photograph © Estate […]


VOTE FOR THE NEOLIBERAL WARMONGER & JAILER [1] by Mark Lewis Taylor I took the photo at right while driving through rural Pennsylvania on the way back from a prison visit a few weeks ago. It shows a military tank stationed along a highway covered with placards announcing “Gun Owners for Trump” and “Make America […]


By Mark Lewis Taylor, September 9 (Day of the U.S. Prison Strike) Here I offer responses to Frequently Asked Questions that arose after my online article in CounterPunch of early July, entitled “Now is the Time – To Defeat both Trump and Clintonian Neoliberalism.” I later divided up that longish article and reposted it as […]

Now – Through & Beyond Third Party Politics

by Mark Lewis Taylor What kinds of movements, organizing work and protest actions are necessary for taking on Clintonian neoliberalism, the policy tradition in which Hillary Clinton stands? (photo at right, ‘La protesta’ painting, David Alfaro Siqueiros, oil on masonite. Copyright 2010, Artist Rights Society, NY/SOMAAP, Mexico City.) In this column I suggest a distinctive approach […]

Hillary Rodham Clinton’s Tradition – “Clintonian Neoliberalism”

by Mark Lewis Taylor The U.S. “Left” often invokes the notion of “neoliberalism” to name the brutal structures of politics and economy that it resists today. It is right to do so, but I think our political movements need to give it more clarity. Movements across Latin America have long taught this “neoliberalismo” in their […]

Trump Too High a Risk? – My Four Rejoinders

The talk of needing to stop Trump is a legitimate fear. But the talk is spun in ways designed to provoke a stampede toward the candidacy of Hillary Clinton. In this way, the fear is often left unexamined and unchallenged. (fear image at right above I found at the ‘Shiel Yule Weblog’) I do not […]

The Time is Now: To Defeat Trump and Clintonian Neoliberalism

by Mark Lewis Taylor * (first published at CounterPunch) If Trump is the price we have to pay to defeat Clintonian neoliberalism – so be it.  Mumia Abu-Jamal With these words the revolutionary journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal offers a bold challenge to those who circulate the fear of a Donald Trump presidency to drum up a mandate for voting for Clinton. […]